| Freshly Baked | Journal Articles | Book Chapters | Unpublished |

Freshly Baked

  1. Boosting the performance of the Quantum Otto heat engines, J.F. Chen, C.P. Sun, H Dong , arXiv:1907.11567
  2. Achieve Higher Efficiency at Maximum Power with Finite-time Quantum Otto Cycle, J.F. Chen, C.P. Sun, H. Dong, arXiv:1904.12128

Journal Articles

2018 | Before GSCAEP |


  1. Photon echo using imperfect X-ray pulse with phase fluctuation, J.F. Chen, H. Dong, C.P. Sun, Phys. Scr. 94 105508 (2019)
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  2. Bose-Fermi duality in a quantum Otto heat engine with trapped repulsive bosons, J.F. Chen, H. Dong, C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 98 (6), 062119 (2018)
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  3. Frequency-resolved photon-electronic spectroscopy for excited state population detection, L. Xu, H. Dong, L. Fu, Opt. Lett. 43 (23), 5725-5728 (2018)
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  4. Universal constraint for efficiency and power of a low-dissipation heat engine, Y.H. Ma, D. Xu, H. Dong, C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 98 (4), 042112 (2018)
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  5. Optimal operating protocol to achieve efficiency at maximum power of heat engines, Y.H. Ma, D. Xu, H. Dong, C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022133 (2018)
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  6. Non-thermal radiation of black holes off canonical typicality, Y.H. Ma, Q.Y. Cai, H. Dong, C.P. Sun, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 122 (3), 30001 (2018)
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Before GSCAEP (2018 and earlier)

  1. Disorder-Induced Quantum Beats in Two-Dimensional Spectra of Excitonically Coupled Molecules, V. Butkus, H. Dong, G. Fleming, D. Abramavicius, L. Valkunas, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 (2), 277-282 (2016)
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  2. A method for the direct measurement of electronic site populations in a molecular aggregate using two-dimensional electronic-vibrational spectroscopy, N. Lewis, H. Dong, T. Oliver, G. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 143 (12), 124203 (2015)
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  3. Determining the static electronic and vibrational energy correlations via two-dimensional electronic-vibrational spectroscopy, H. Dong, N. Lewis, T. Oliver, G. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 142 (17), 174202 (2015)
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  4. Measuring correlated electronic and vibrational spectral dynamics using line shapes in two-dimensional electronic-vibrational spectroscopy, N. Lewis, H. Dong, T. Oliver, G. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 142 (17), 174202 (2015)
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  5. Inhomogeneous Broadening Induced Long-Lived Integrated Two-Color Coherence Photon Echo Signal, H. Dong, G.R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 8956-8961 (2014)
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  6. The Role of Electronic-Vibrational Mixing in Enhancing Vibrational Coherences in the Ground Electronic States of Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center, I.S. Ryu, H. Dong, G.R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 1381-1388 (2014)
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  7. Pseudo-Rephasing and Pseudo-Free-Induction-Decay Mechanism in Two-Color Three-Pulse Photon Echo of a Binary System, H. Dong, I.S. Ryu, and G.R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 16416-16421 (2013)
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  8. Three-Pulse Photon Echo of Finite Numbers of Molecules: Single-Molecule Traces, H. Dong, G.R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 11318-11325 (2013)
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  1. A quantum solution to Gibbs Paradox with few particles, H. Dong, C. Y. Cai, C. P. Sun, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 55, 1727-1733 (2012)
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  2. Multi-Particle Quantum Szilard Engine with Optimal Cycles Assisted by a Maxwell's Demon, C. Y. Cai, H. Dong, C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031114 (2012)
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  3. Coherent excitation transfer via the dark-state channel in a bionic system, Hui Dong, D.Z. Xu, J.F. Huang and C.P. Sun, Light: Science & Applications 1, e2 (2012)
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  4. Inherent Mach-Zehnder interference with which-way detection for single-particle scattering in one dimension, L.Zhou, Y. Chang, H. Dong, L.M. Kuang and C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 83, 061108 (2012)
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  5. Quantum Maxwell's Demon in Thermodynamic Cycles, H. Dong, D.Z. Xu, C.Y.Cai and C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 83, 061108 (2011)
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  1. Photonic Feshbach Resonance, D.Z. Xu, H. Ian, T. Shi, H. Dong and C.P. Sun, Sci. China Phys. Mechanics and Astronomy 53, 1234 (2010)
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  2. Mean-field study of itinerant ferromagnetism in trapped ultracold Fermi gases: Beyond the local-density approximation, H. Dong, H. Hu, X-J Liu and P. D. Drummond, Phys. Rev. A 82, 013627 (2010)
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  3. Pseudogap Pairing in Ultracold Fermi Atoms H. Hu, X-J Liu, P. Drummond and H. Dong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 240407 (2010)
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  4. Thermodynamic witness of quantum probing, H.Dong, X.F. Liu and C.P. Sun, Chinese Science Bulletin 55, 3256(2010)
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  5. Single-particle machine for quantum thermalization, J.Q. Liao, H. Dong and C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. A 81, 052121 (2010)
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  1. Indirect control of quantum system via accessor: pure coherent control without system excitation, H. C. Fu, H. Dong, X. F. Liu and C. P. Sun, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 045303 (2009)
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  2. Observable Topological Effects of Mobius Molecular Devices, N. Zhao, H. Dong, Shuo Yang, C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. B 79, 125440 (2009).
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  3. Mobius graphene strip as a topological insulator, Z. L. Guo, Z. R. Gong, H. Dong and C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. B 80, 195310 (2009)
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  4. Intrinsic Cavity QED and Emergent Quasi-Normal Modes for Single Photon, H. Dong, Z. R. Gong, H. Ian, Lan Zhou, C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063847 (2009)
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  1. Quantum super-cavity with atomic mirrors, Lan Zhou, H. Dong, Y-x. Liu, C. P. Sun and Franco Nori, Phys. Rev. A 78, 063827 (2008)
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  2. Indirect control with a quantum accessor: Coherent control of multilevel system via a qubit chain, H. C. Fu, H. Dong, X. F. Liu, and C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052317 (2007)
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  3. Quantum thermalization with couplings, H. Dong, S. Yang, X. F. Liu, and C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. A 76, 044104 (2007).
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Book Chapters

  1. Recent Progress in Quantum Mechanics. Vol.5 (In Chinese), C.P. Sun, H.T. Quan, H.Dong
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ArXiv Papers