
We are interested in exploring the dynamics of low dimensional artificial and biological system. Our research focus on the foundamental theoretical questions related to energy conversion as well as applications in biological systems. Our topics are generally divided into three parts:

1. Quantum thermodynamics: on the entropy production, quantum heat engine optimazation,

2. Design principal in lightharvesting systems.

3. Ultrafast lab: We intend to develop spectroscopy methods with quantum feature of light.

Please check the webpage about our research topics for more details. And please feel free to contact me via email: hdong at


We are looking for new postdocs and graduate students. Shoot me an email if you are interested.

2019.09 Fei Wen and Ziqian Cheng joined our group as graduate students. Welcome!

2019.08 Dr. GuoHui Dong joined our group as PostDoc. Welcome!

2018.08 Our paper [arXiv:1805.05667] on discrete controlled heat engine gets accepted in PRE. Congraduation to Yu-Han!