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Our research on quantum thermodynamics focus on foundamental aspects of thermodynamics in the quantum framework. We are particular interested in connecting the macroscopic pheonomena with microscopic models. The current research are on three directions:

⚀ Entropy production. We want to answer the question: how does the entropy production rate depned on control schemes.

⚁ Power-efficiency raltion in quantum heat engine. We are interested in the general constraint relation bewteen efficiency and output power in the quantum heat engines. Particularly, we are following the bottom-up approach to connect microscopic model with the widely used heat engine model on the macroscopic level. We currently focus on constructing finite-time Quantum heat engine cycles. This topic is directly connected to the research of entropy production.

⚂ Intelligent membrane. We are interested in construct physical model to reveal the mechanism of Na+/K+ channel in biological membranes, and try to answer questions about minimal energy consumption for Na+/K+ seperation. We also intend to build model of intelligent membrane for gas seperation by taking advantage of Maxwell's Demon.