
2023 1. Assessing Atomic Spin-Lattice Interactions: A Deep Learning Framework 2. Anomalous Thermal Transport of SrTiO3 Driven by Anharmonic Phonon Renormalization 3.First-principles Study of Non-Collinear Spin Fluctuations Using Self-adaptive Spin-constrained Method
2022 1. Distinctive Nb–O hybridization at domain walls in orthorhombic KNbO3 ferroelectric perovskite 2. Selective tuning of order parameters of multiferroic in picoseconds using midinfrared terahertz laser pulses 3. Anti-Jahn-Teller Effect Induced Ultrafast Insulator to Metal Transition in Perovskite BaBiO3 npj Computational Materials 8, 226 (2022) 4. Interpretable machine learning model of effective mass in perovskite oxides 5. Determining the Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Behavior of SiC Materials with Quantum Accuracy via Deep Learning Interatomic Potential Model
2021 1. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of dislocation core in SrTiO3 2. Toroidal polar topology in strained ferroelectric polymer 3. Probing the phonon mean free paths in dislocation core by molecular dynamics simulation 4. Phonon scattering in the complex strain field of a dislocation in PbTe
Before 2021 - selected • Mechanisms of skyrmion and skyrmion crystal formation from the conical phase • Molecular dynamics simulations of the effect of dislocations on the thermal conductivity of iron • Strong phonon localization in PbTe with dislocations and large deviation to Matthiessen’s rule • Lattice and spin dynamics in multiferroic BiFeO3 and RMnO3 • Formation of <100> dislocation loop in bcc-Fe via the ternary loop reaction • Synergistic Coupling between Li6.75La3Zr1.75Ta0.25O12 and Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Induces High Ionic Conductivity, Mechanical Strength, and Thermal Stability of Solid Composite Electrolytes • Giant energy density and improved discharge efficiency of solution‐processed polymer nanocomposites for dielectric energy storage • Lattice vibration modes of the layered material BiCuSeO and first principles study of its thermoelectric properties • On the importance of prismatic/basal interfaces in the growth of (-1012) twins in hexagonal close packed crystals • Second-order multiple-quanta flux entry into a perforated spherical mesoscopic superconductor • Calorimetric properties of mesoscopic superconducting disks, rings, and cylinders • Magnetic properties of vortex states in spherical superconductors • Formation and size dependence of vortex shells in mesoscopic superconducting niobium disks |