77. 袁建民,First Principle's Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Warm and Hot Dense Matter,中国物理学会2015秋季物理会议(极端条件物理分会场)(邀请报告)2015年9月11-13日
76. 袁建民,Respose of three typical ferroelectric thin films to Terahertz electric field,量子能源和器件国际会议(特邀报告),2014年10月22-23日,湖南吉首
75. 袁建民,超强x-射线激光辐照下原子的激发、电离及能级布居的动力学(大会报告),第五届全国高能量密度物理会议,2014年11月5-7日,成都
74. 袁建民,Population dynamics of neon irradiated by ultraintense x-ray pulses(invited),Third InternationalSymposium on Laser Interaction with Matter(LIMIS 2014),November 2-5,2014, Nanjing, China
73.袁建民,Progress in Atomic-scale Simulations on Warm and Hot Dense Matter(Plenary),ASAMP11, October 6-10,Sendai, Japan
72.袁建民,Coherence-suppressed X-ray absorption of inner-shell electrons of a neon atom based on a thousands-level master equation approach(邀请报告),ICHEDP, September 21-24,2014, Beijing, China
71. 袁建民,高温高压物质状态方程和输运性质的分子动力学研究,第十三届全国物理力学会议(邀请报告),2014年10月18-19日,湘潭市
68. 袁建民,Opacity with DTA/DLA models and EOS with ab initio MD(邀请报告),极端条件物理研究高级研修班,2014-8-19, (绵阳)
67. Jianmin Yuan, Structure and dynamics in dense matter(invited), 14th SCCS (Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 27 July-1 August, 2014
66. Yongqian Li, Cheng Gao, Wenpu Dong, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Coherence in resonance-enhanced ionization of Ne atoms, The 8th NLTE code comparison workshop, Nov.4-8, 2013,Santa Fe, NM, USA
65. 袁建民,原子在飞秒激光场中从太赫兹到真空紫外的动力学(邀请报告),中国物理学会2013秋季学术会议(原子与分子物理分会场),2013年9月13-15日,厦门
64. 袁建民,朗之万分子动力学及其在高温稠密物质结构和输运中的应用(邀请报告),高能量密度物理前沿探索学术论坛,2013-8-27,北京大学
63. 袁建民,原子在飞秒激光场中的快、慢动力学(邀请报告),2013-3-07,武汉物理与数学研究所。
62. 袁建民,Thermodynamics, Transports, and Structures of Warm and Hot Dense Matters: First Principles Langevin Molecular Dynamics Study (Invited) [International Conference on High Energy Density Physics, October 18-20, 2012, Beijing]
61. 袁建民,Coherent Emission of Atoms in Intense Laser Fields: from Terahertz Waves to High Order Harmonics (invited),2012-9-11,西安 [the Second International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter (LIMIS 2012)]
60.袁建民,面向ICF的原子物理研究(邀请报告),2012-8-21, 绵阳 [中国工程物理研究院学术年会(物理分会)]
59.袁建民,Time-domain Polarization Resolved Terahertz Wave Spectroscopy(invited),2012.06.04,Changsha,China [International Organic Semiconductor Workshop]
58.袁建民,Application of first principles Langiven molecular dynamics to hot dense plasmas(invited),March 29,2012, IPAM, UCLA, CA, USA.[Workshop:Computational Challenge in Hot Dense Plasmas]
56.袁建民,Quantum Dynamics of Atomic Systems in Intense Laser Fields: from Coherent Terahertz and High Order Harmonic Photoemissions(invited),POEM2011,2011-11-03,Wuhan,China
55. 袁建民,强激光场驱动下原子动力学和相干辐射的理路和实验研究(邀请报告),武汉光电论坛(第50期) 2011-7-07, 武汉光电国家实验室
54. Jianmin Yuan, Structure and transport of electrons, ions, and photons in warm dense matters: a quantum Langevin molecular dynamics approach (invited) WDM2011, June 6-8,2011, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
53. 袁建民,空气电离太赫兹辐射技术及其应用(邀请报告),实验力学及其国防应用研讨会2010.11.7,长沙
51. 袁建民,The ordered structures from warm to hot dense matters: a description based on first principles molecular dynamics (invited),第二届全国高能量密度物理会议,Oct. 14-16, 2010, 上海交通大学, 徐汇校区,上海
50. Jianmin Yuan(袁建民),Influence of the ordered structures on the calculated optical radiation and electric conductivity from warm to hot dense matters(invited),The 14th International Workshop on Radiative Properties of Hot Dense Matter,October 4-8,2010, Marbella, Spain
49. 周兆妍,张栋文,赵增秀,袁建民,Quantum mechanical model of terahertz emission of atoms in ultrashort laser pulses (invited),The 5th international Symposium on Ultra-fast Phenomena & Terahertz Waves, September 12-16, 2010, Xi’an, China
48.周兆妍,赵增秀,袁建民,Relativistic electron dynamics of highly charged ions in ultra-intense laser fields (invited, progress report), 15th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2010), Aug. 30th –Sept. 3rd , 2010, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
49. 袁建民,“Radiative opacities of hot and solid dense aluminium plasma using a detailed level accounting model(invited)”,The 3rd China-Japan Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma, October 26-31, Xi’an, China
48. 袁建民,Coherent emission of atoms in ultrashort laser pulses(invited), OCPA06,Lanzhou University,China,August 3-7, 2009
47.袁建民,DTA/DLA Opacity Model for Solid Dense Matters(invited), 2009 International Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, July 16-22, 2009,Dunhuang,China
45.袁建民,Terahertz emission of an atom driven by ultrashort laser pulses(invited), The 3rd Asian Workshop on Generation and Application of Coherent XUV and x-rayRadiation,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,China,June 10-12, 2009
3.Zhang DW (Zhang, Dong-wen)1, Lv ZH (Lv, Zhi-hui)1, Sun L (Sun, Lin)1, Shao ZZ (Shao, Zheng-zheng)1, Yuan JM (Yuan, Jian-min)1,Terahertz Spectra of GaSe: Fundamental and two-order phonon processes,2008 33RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, VOLS 1 AND 2 页: 267-268 出版年: 2008
42.Zhang DW (Zhang, Dong-wen)1, Ly ZH (Ly, Zhi-hui)1, Sun L (Sun, Lin)1, Yuan JM (Yuan, Jian-min)1,Dielectric properties of GeSe crystal measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 2007 JOINT 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES AND 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TERAHERTZ ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2 页: 234-235 出版年: 2007
41. 袁建民,“高温稠密等离子体的分子动力学模拟和电子结构”(原子分子物理分会邀请报告)CPS2007,Sept. 18-20,2007
40. 袁建民, “Line broadening and the x-ray transmission spectra of hot and dense plasmas”(Invited), International workshop on the physics at EBIT and advanced research light sources, March 8-12, 2007,Shanghai, China
39. 袁建民, “Atomic Data for Opacity Calculations (Invited)” ICAMDATA05 (International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics and the Applications), October 15-19, 2007,Deudon, France (in AIP conference proceedings 901 edited by Evelyne Roueff, New York 2007, p221)
38.袁建民, “Ionization of hot dense matter due to the level broadening (Invited)” International Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics, July 24-28, Weihai, 2006,China
37. 袁建民,“Atomic data for opacity : determination, accuracy, and the influence of fine treatments and statistical models (Invited)”The Sino-German Workshop on Stellar Abundances and Galactic Chemical Evolution, August 26-30, 2004, Qingdao, China
36. 袁建民,“Influence of the detailed line treatment on the calculated opacity of hot plasma (Invited)”,China-Japan Symposium on Atomic and molecular Processes in Plasma (AMPP), March 6-11, 2004, Lanzhou, China
35. 袁建民,“不透明度细致模型及相关原子物理问题” 2003年12月23日于武汉物理与数学研究所
34. Fengtao Jin and Jianmin Yuan, Detailed level accounting for the opacity calculation of iron plasma, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXIII th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Stockholm, Sweden 23 - 29 July),, pTh197.
33. Jianhua Wu and Jianmin Yuan, Low-energy electron interaction with atomic oxygen: scattering and photodetachment, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXIII th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Stockholm, Sweden 23 - 29 July),, pMo028.
32. Jianmin Yuan, Low-energy electron interaction with Sr and Ba atoms: scattering and photodetachment, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXIII th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Stockholm, Sweden 23 - 29 July), pTh013.
31. 袁建民,“DTA模型的进展及面临的困难”国家天文台(专题报告)2003年9月26日
30. 袁建民,“DTA模型进展及困难”2003不透明度工作会议(专题报告),北京应用物理与计算数学研究所2003年9月19日
29. 袁建民, “Electronic Structure of Atomic Chain and Atomic Layers: The spectra and spin polarization of Auger emission from metal surface”(Invited), German-Chinese Symposium on Clusters and Nanoparticles 2003.03.31 Nanjing28.
28. 袁建民,“高温稠密等离子体光谱及原子物理问题”,第十一届全国原子与分子物理学术会议(进展报告)兰州,2002年8月12日。
27. 曾交龙, 袁建民, Detailed-term-accounting simulation of x-ray transmission through aluminium plasmas, ICPEAC, Santa Fe , USA, July 18-24, 2001, pFR144
26. 曾交龙, 袁建民, Autoionization resonance energies and widths of inner-shell transitions from the low-lying states of O III, ICPEAC, Santa Fe , USA, July 18-24, 2001, pFR143
23. 袁建民,“等离子体光辐射参数研究现状及进展”,原子与分子物理前沿专题研讨会(邀请报告),南京大学,2001年五月11日。
22. Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Elastic scattering of electrons with Be atoms, 山东师大学报 (自然科学版) 15(3), 104 (2000). (Proc. of 10th.Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of China).
21. Jianmin Yuan, Relaxation during Auger emission from metals and the atomiclike features of the CVV Auger spectra from transition metals, 山东师大学报 (自然科学版) 15(3), 198 (2000).(Proc. of 10th. Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of China).
20. Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, DTA calculations of x-ray transmission through Laser-produced plasmas, 山东师大学报 (自然科学版) 15(3), 166 (2000). (Proc.of 10th. Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of China).
19. Fengtao Jin, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Calculations of the optical oscillator strength of inner-shell excitations of Al7+ion by MCHF method, 山东师大学报 (自然科学版) 15(3), 57 (2000). (Proc. of 10th. Conference on Atomic and MolecularPhysics of China).
18. Zengxiu Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, Electron collision with aluminum atoms and electron impact broadening of aluminum lines, in Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXIth Int. Conf. on Phys. of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Sendai, Japan, 22-27 July 1999), p 260.
17. Jianmin Yuan, R-matrix photodetachment cross section of Sr-ions, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXIth Int. Conf. on Phys.of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Sendai, Japan, 22-27 July 1999), p 121.
16. L. Fritsche, Jianmin Yuan, and J. Noffke, Direct calculation of valence-band auger transition: spin polarization of the auger electrons emitted from potassium multi-layers, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXth Int. Conf. on Phys. of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Vienina, Austria,23-29 July 1997), pFR 114.
15. Jianmin Yuan and L. Fritsche, R-matrix photodetachment cross section of Ca-ions, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XXth Int. Conf. on Phys. of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Vienina, Austria, 23-29 July 1997), pWE 038.
14. Jianmin Yuan, Effects of explicit spin dependence of atomic orbitals on spin polarization in low-energy electron collision with barium, Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Phys. of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Whistler, British Columbia, Canada) Abstracts (1995) p233.
13. Jianmin Yuan, Spin-dependent scattering of electrons from Barium around low-lying shape resonance states, Abstracts of the Second Asian International Seminar on At. Mol. Phys. (AISAMP-II) (Oct.24-28, 1994, Beijing), p131.
12. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Energy and angular dependence of electron spin polarization elastically scattered from Kr atoms in the Ramsauer-Townsend region, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Phys of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Aarhus) (Bristol: IOP) Abstracts (1993)p143.
11. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Enhanced spin polarization of electrons elastically scattered from strontium in Ramsauer-Townsend minimum and low-lying shape resonance regions, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. On Phys. of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Aarhus) (Bristol: IOP) Abstracts (1993) p142.
10. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Theoretically calculated electron collision cross sections of atoms and molecules, CODATA Bulletin 24(2), 124 (1992): 13th International CODATA Conf., October 1992, Beijing
9. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Elastic scattering of electrons from rare-gas and alkaline-earth-metal atoms, in原子分子物理, Proc. of 6th Nat. Conf. on At. Mol. Phys. of China, 1992 (Changchun, Jilin Univ. Press), p169.
8. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Elastic scattering of spin polarized electrons by Hg atoms, in原子分子物理, Proc. of 6th Nat. Conf. on At. Mol. Phys. of China, 1992 (Changchun, Jilin Univ. Press), p166.
7. Junfang Gao, Jianmin Yuan, and Zhijie Zhang ,Electron impact excitation cross sections of atoms by Distorted Wave method, in原子分子物理, Proc. of 6th Nat. Conf. on At. Mol. Phys. Of China, 1992 (Changchun, Jilin Univ. Press), p164.
6. Jianmin Yuan, Rongqi Tang, and Zhijie Zhang, The stable negative ions of Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra atoms, in 原子分子物理, Proc. of 6th Nat. Conf. on At. Mol. Phys. of China, 1992 (Changchun, Jilin Univ. Press), p3.
5. Jianmin Yuan, Zhijie Zhang, and Rongqi Tang, Low-energy electron scattering differential cross sections of NH3 and H2O molecules, 第五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议论文摘要, 1990 (Chengdu), p186.
4. Jianmin Yuan, Zhijie Zhang, and Rongqi Tang, Application of the spin polarizaed correlation-polarization potential to low-energy electron scattering, 第五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议论文摘要, 1990 (Chengdu), p185.
3. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Application of correlation-polarization potential to the calculation of negative ions, 第五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议论文摘要, 1990 (Chengdu), p17.
2. Jianmin Yuan, Elastic scattering of low-energy electrons from methane and silane molecules, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Comput. Phys., July, 1988, Beijing, World Scientific Publishing LTD, Singapore, 1989, p149.
1. Rongqi Tang and Jianmin Yuan, Theoretical studies of photoionization cross sections for the ground states of Li, Na, K and Al atoms, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Comput. Phys., July, 1988, Beijing, World Scientific Publishing LTD, Singapore, 1989, p137.