
217. Yongsheng Fu, Yong Hou, Dongdong Kang, Cheng Gao, Fengtao Jin, and Jianmin Yuan, Multi-charge-state molecular dynamics and self-diffusion coefficient in the warm dense matter regime, Physics of Plasmas 25, 012701 (2018)

216. Pengfei Liu, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, A practical theoretical formalism for atomic multielectron processes: direct multiple ionization by a single Auger decay or by impact of a single electron or photon, Journal Physics B 10.1088_1361-6455_aab195

215. Zhigang Zheng, Yindong Huang, Quan Guo, Chao Meng, Zhihui L ̈u, Xiaowei Wang, Jing Zhao, Congsen Meng, Dongwen Zhang, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao,Filament characterization via resonance absorption of terahertz wave,Physics of Plasmas 24, 103303 (2017) [doi: http://dx.doi.org /10.1063/1.5004551]

214.Yong Hou, Yongsheng Fu, Richard Bredow, Dongdong Kang, Ronald Redmer, Jianmin Yuan, Average-atom model for two-temperature states and ionic transport properties of aluminum in the warm dense matterr egime, High Energy Density Physics 22, 21-26 (2017)

213.Cheng Gao,Yongjun Li,Jiaolong Zeng,JianminYuan, Ultrafast non-equilibrium ion and electron dynamics of a neon plasma produced by an ultra-intense x-ray pulse,High Energy Density Physics 23, 217-222 (2017)

212. Jinlei Liu, Yongsheng Fu, Wenbo Chen, Zhihui Lü, Jing Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, Zengxiu Zhao, Offset angles of photocurrents generated in few-cycle circularly polarized laser fields, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 055602 (2017)[ https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6455/aa575b]

211. Yindong Huang, Chao Meng, Jing Zhao, Xiaowei Wang, Zhihui Lü, Dongwen Zhang, Jianmin Yuan, Zengxiu Zhao, High-harmonic and terahertz wave spectroscopy (HATS) for aligned molecules, J. Phys. B 49, 235601(2016).

210. Yongsheng Fu, Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, PCTDSE: Parallel Cartesian-grid-based TDSE solver for modeling laser-atom interactions, Computer Physics Communication 210, 181-192(2107)

209. Chao Meng, Wenbo Chen, Xiaowei Wang, Zhihui Lü, Yindong Huang, Jinlei Liu, Dongwen Zhang, Zengxiu Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan,Enhancement of terahertz radiation by using circularly polarized two-color laser fields, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 109, 131105 (2016) doi: 10.1063/1.4963883

208. Chao Meng, Zhihui Lv, Yindong Huang, Xiaowei Wang, Wenbo Chen, Dongwen Zhang, Zengxiu Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, In situ spatial mapping of Gouy phase slip with terahertz generation in two-color field, Optical Express 24, 012301 (2016) DOI:10.1364/OE.24.012301

207. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Single and double core-hole ion emission spectroscopy of transient neon plasmas produced by ultraintense x-ray laser pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 044001[http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/49/4/044001]


206. Yongjun Li, Cheng Gao, Qinyun Tian, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Ionization competition effects on population distribution and radiative opacity of mixture plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 22, 113302 (2015); [doi: 10.1063/1.4935298]

205. Yongqiang Li, Cheng Gao, Wenpu Dong, Jiaolong Zeng, Zengxiu Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, Coherence and resonance effects in the ultra-intense laser-induced ultrafast response of complex atoms, Scientific Reports 6, 18529;[ doi: 10.1038/srep18529 (2016)].

204. Wenpu Dong, Yongqiang Li, Xiaowei Wang, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Analysis of interferences in attosecond transient absorption in adiabatic condition, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033412 (2015).

203. Wenbo Chen, Yindong Huang, Chao Meng, et al, Theoretical study of terahertz generation from atoms and aligned molecules driven by two-color laser fields, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033410 (2015)

202. Yindong Huang, Chao Meng, Xiaowei Wang, Zhihui Lü, Dongwen Zhang, Wenbo Chen, Jing Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Joint Measurements of Terahertz Wave Generation and High-Harmonic Generation from Aligned Nitrogen Molecules Reveal Angle-Resolved Molecular Structures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 123002 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.123002

201. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Evolution dynamics of charge state distribution in neon nteraction with x-ray pulses of variant intensities and durations, High Energy Density Physics 14, 52-58 (2015)

200. Bin Zhang, Jianmin Yuan; Zengxiu Zhao, DMTDHF: A full dimensional time-dependent Hartree-Fock program for diatomic molecules in strong laser fields, Computer Physics Communications 194, 84-96 (2015).

199. Yong Hou, Richard Bredow, Jianmin Yuan, and Ronald Redmer, Average-atom model combined with the hypernetted chain approximation applied to warm dense matter, Phys. Rev. E 91, 033114 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.033114

198. Yong Hou, Jiayu Dai, Dongdong Kang, Wen Ma, and Jianmin Yuan, Equations of state and transport properties of mixtures in the warm dense regime, Physics of Plasmas 22, 022711 (2015); doi 10.10631.4913424

197. 赵增秀, 袁建民, 电子动力学及相干辐射的强场调控与阿秒探测—强场与阿秒物理领域中的重大课题研究进展, 物理 44(1), 16(2015) DOI:10.7693/wl20150103

196. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zheng, Jianmin Yuan, Effects of Direct Double Auger Decay on the Population Dynamics of Neon Irradiated by Ultraintense x-ray Pulses,Contrib. Plasma Phys 55, No. 2-3, 123 – 127 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/ctpp.201400061

195. Jinlei Liu, Wenbo Chen, Bin Zhang, Jing Zhao, Jianhua Wu, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Trajectory-based analysis of low-energy electrons and photocurrents generated in strong-field ionization, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063420 (2014)

194. Qian Ma, Jiayu Dai a, Dongdong Kang, Zengxiu Zhao a, Jianmin Yuan, Xueqing Zhao, Molecular dynamics simulation of electroneion temperature relaxation in dense hydrogen: A scheme of truncated Coulomb potential, High Energy Density Physics, 13, 34-39(2014).

193. Bin Zhang, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Dynamic orbitals in high-harmonic generation from CO molecules, Phys. Rev. A 90, 035402(2014).

192. Lei Chen, Yuan Zhang, Quan Guo, Dongwen Zhang, Xiangli Zhong, and Jianmin Yuan, Terahertz Electro-Optic properties of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 and BaTiO3 ferroelectric thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 112903 (2014) [DOI:10.1063/1.4896036]

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190. Pengfei Liu, Yanpeng Liu, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Auger decay and the direct double ionization probability of a 2p inner-shell hole in a singly charged Ar+ ion, Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 214 (2014)

189. Dongdong Kang, Huayang Sun, Jiayu Dai, Zengxiu Zhao, Yong Hou, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Nuclear quantum dynamics in dense hydrogen, Scientific Report 4, 5484(2014) [DOI:10.1038/srep05484]

188. Yong Shen, Yan Chen, Hongxin Zou, and Jianmin Yuan, A fiber-based quasi-continuous-wave quantum key distribution system, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 4,4563(2014)[DOI: 10.1038/srep04563]

187. Peng Fei Liu, Yan Peng Liu, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Electron impact excitation and single- and multiple-ionization cross sections of heavy ions: Sn13+ as an example, Phys. Rev. A 89, 042704(2014)

186. Y P Liu, C Gao, J L Zeng and J M Yuan, and J R Shi, Atomic data of Cu I for the investigation of element abundance, Astrophysics Journal Supplement Series, 211:30 (2014) April [doi:10.1088/ 0067-0049/211/2/30]

185. Huayang Sun, Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Quantum molecular dynamics study on the structures and dc conductivity of warm dense silane, Phys. Rev. E 89, 022128 (2014)

184. Zengxiu Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, Dynamical core polarization of two-active-electron systems in strong laser fields, Phys. Rev. A 89, 023404 (2014)

183. Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai, Huayang Sun, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan, Quantum simulation of thermally-driven phase transition and oxygen K-edge x-ray absorption spectra of high-pressure ice, Scientific report 3, 3272 (2013) [DOI: 10.1038/srep03272]

182. Jiaolong Zeng, Pengfei Liu, Wenjun Xiang, Jianmin Yuan, Complete Auger decay pathways of Kr 3d-1 hole states including direct double processes, J. Phys. B 46,215002(2013)

181. Bin Zhang, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Dynamic core polarization in strong-field ionization of CO molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 163001(2013)

180. Jinlei Liu, Yongqiang Li, Jianhua Wu, Jianmin Yuan, Near threshold photodetachment cross section of negative atomic boron ions, Phys. Rev. A 87, 065402(2013)

179. Yanpeng Liu, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Auger energies, branching ratios, widths and X-ray rates of double K-vacancy states of Ne2+: A close-coupling calculation, J. Phys. B 46, 145002(2013).

178. Zhihui Lv, Dongwen Zhang, Chao Meng, Xiyu Du, Zhaoyan Zhou, Yindong Huang, Zengxiu Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, Attosecond synchronization of terahertz wave and high-harmonics, J. Phys. B 46, 155602(2013)

177. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zeng, Yongqiang Li, Fengtao Jin, and Jianmin Yuan, Versatile code DLAYZ for investigating population kinetics and radiative properties of plasmas in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium, High Energy Density Physics 9, 583(2013)

176. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, and Jianmin Yuan, A hybrid detailed level and configuration accounting model for investigating the radiative opacity of gold plasmas with open 4d and 4f shells, High Energy Density Physics 9, 419 (2013)

175. Jiaolong Zeng, Pengfei Liu, Wenjun Xiang, Jianmin Yuan, Level-to-level and total probability for Auger decay including direct double processes of Ar 2 p−1 hole states, Phys. Rev. A 87, 033419 (2013)

174. Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, Dongdong Kang, Huayang Sun, Jianhua Wu, and Jianmin Yuan, Structure, equation of state, diffusion and viscosity of warm dense Fe under the conditions of a giant planet core, New J. Phys. 15, 045003(2013)

173. Yong Hou, Jianhua Wu, and Jianmin Yuan, Nearest-neighbor atom interference effect on bound-free opacity of hot dense gold plasma, High Energy Density Physics 9, 204-208(2013)

172. Cheng Gao, Fengtao Jin, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Population kinetics and M band emission spectra of gold plasmas in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium by using a detailed relativistic configuration approach,New J. Phys. 15,015022(2013)

171. Wenjun Xiang, Cheng Gao, Yongsheng Fu, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan,Inner-shell resonant absorption effects on evolution dynamics of the charge state distribution in a neon atom interacting with ultraintense x-ray pulses, Phys. Rev. A 86, 061401(R) (2012)

170. Dongwen Zhang, Zhihui Lv, Cao Meng, Xiyu Du, Zhaoyan Zhou, Zengxiu Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, Synchronizing Terahertz Wave Generation with Attosecond Bursts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 243002 (2012)

169. Jiyu Dai, Dongdong Kang, Zengxiu Zhao, Yanqun Wu, and Jianmin Yuan, Dynamical Ionic Clusters with Flowing Electron Bubbles from Warm to Hot Dense Iron along the Hugoniot Curve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109,175701(2012)

168. Jiayu Dai and Jianmin Yuan, Physisorption to chemisorption transition of NO2 on graphene induced by the interplay of SiO2 substrate and van der Waals forces: A first principles study, Chemical Physics 405, 161-166 (2012)

167. Zhihui Lv, Dongwen Zhang, Cao Meng, Lin Sun, Zhaoyan Zhou, Zengxiu Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, Polarization-sensitive air-biased-coherent-detection for terahertz wave, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101,081119(2012)

166. Wei-Tao Liu, Ting Zhang, Ji-Ying Liu, Ping-Xing Chen, and Jian-Min Yuan, Experimental Quantum State Tomography via Compressed Sampling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 170403 (2012)

165. Bin Zhang, Jianmin Yuan, and Zengxiu Zhao, Alignment-dependent ionization of H2+: From multiphoton ionization to tunneling ionization, Phys. Rev. A 85, 033421 (2012)

164. Zhihui Lü, Dongwen Zhang, Zhaoyan Zhou, Lin Sun, Zengxiu Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan,Coherently controlled terahertz source for a time domain spectroscopy system via injection current in bulk ZnSe,Applied Opticis 51,676-679(2012)

163. L. Sun, Z. Lü, D. Zhang, Z. Zhao, J. Yuan, Achromatic terahertz quarter-wave retarder in reflection mode, Appl. Phys. B 106, 393–398 (2012)

162. Jun Bao, Wenbo Chen, Zengxiu Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, High-order harmonic generation from coherently excited molecules, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 195601 (2011)

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159. Weitao Liu, Shihai Sun, Linmei Liang, and Jianmin Yuan, Proof-of-principle experiment of a modified photon-number-splitting attack against quantum key distribution, Phys. Rev. A 83 042326 (2011)

158. Zhaoyan Zhou, Zengxiu Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Dynamics of highly charged ions in ultraintense laser fields, Phys. Scr. T144,014048 (2011)

157. Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, Jianmin Yuan, Influence of ordered structures on electrical conductivity and XANES from warm to hot dense matter , High Energy Density Physics 7, 84-90 (2011)

156. Cheng Gao, Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, Plasma screening effects on the atomic structure and radiative opacity of dense carbon plasmas based on the DLA model, High Energy Density Physics 7, 54-60 (2011)


155. J. Zeng, C. Gao, and J. Yuan, Extreme-ultraviolet emissivity from Xe8+ to Xe12+ by using a detailed line-by-line method, Euro. Phys. J. D 60, 309-316(2010)

154. Jiaolong Zeng, Cheng Gao, and Jianmin Yuan, Detailed investigations on radiative opacity and emissivity of tin plasmas in the extreme-ultraviolet region, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82, 026409 (2010)

153. Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan, Quantum Langevin molecular dynamics determination of the solar-interior equation of state, Astrophysical Journal 721,1158–1163(2010)

152. Yong Shen, Hongxin Zou, Liang Tian, Pingxing Chen, and Jianmin Yuan, Experimental study on discretely modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82, 022317 (2010)

151 Lin Sun, Zhi-Hui Lv, Wei Wu, Wei-Tao Liu, and Jian-Min Yuan, Double-Grating Polarizer for Terahertz Radiation with High Extinction Ratio, Applied Optics 49,2066-2071(2010).

150. Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan, Structure and vibrational spectra of small water clusters from first principles simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 133,014302(2010)

149. Jiayu Dai and Jianmin Yuan,Adsorption of molecular oxygen on doped graphene: atomic, electronic, and magnetic properties, Phys. Rev. B 81,165414(2010)

148. Jiayu Dai Yong Hou,and Jianmin Yuan,Unified First Principles Description fromWarm Dense Matter to Ideal Ionized Gas Plasma: Electron-Ion Collisions Induced Friction,Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,245001(2010)。

147. Jiayu Dai and Jianmin Yuan, Modulating the electronic and magnetic structures of P-doped graphene by molecule doping, J. Phys. Condense Matter 22,225501(2010)

146. Fengtao Jin, Tianxuan Huang, Yongkun Ding, Zhijian Zheng, and Jianmin Yuan, Orbital relaxation effects on temperature diagnostics of mid-Z plasmas, JQSRT 111,78(2010)

145. Jiayu Dai, Paolo Giannozzi, and Jianmin Yuan, Gas adsorption on grapheme doped with B, N, Al, and S: A theoretical study, Applied Physics Letters 95, 232105 (2009)

144. Jiayu Dai, Paolo Giannozzi, and Jianmin Yuan, Chemisorption of NOx(x=1,2,3) on single walled carbon nanotubes: Formation of NO+NO3 from NO2, Surface Sciences 603,3234(2009)

143. Jiayu Dai and Jianmin Yuan, Large scale efficient langevin dynamics and why does it work?, Europhysics Letters 88,20001 (2009)

142. Yongqiang Li, Jianhua Wu, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan, Radiative opacities of hot and solid-density aluminum plasma using a detailed level accounting model, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 42, 235701 (2009)

141. Jianhua Wu and Jianmin Yuan, Interference effects on the photoionization cross sections between two neighbouring atoms: nitrogen as an example, Chinese Physics B 18, 5283 (2009)

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139. Jiamin Yang, Jiyan Zhang, Yan Xu, Jianmin Yuan, Jun Yan, Yaonan Ding, Yang Zhao, Fengtao Jin, Zhimin Hu, Guohong Yang, and Baohan Zhang, Progress of Opacity Experiment on the Shengguang II Laser Facility, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163, 012098 (2009)

138. Jiyan Zhang, Jiamin Yang, Yan Xu, Guohong Yang, Yaonan Ding, Jun Yan,2 Jianmin Yuan, Yongkun Ding, Zhijian Zheng, Yang Zhao, and Zhimin Hu, Radiative heating of plastic-tamped aluminum foil by x rays from a foam-buffered hohlraum, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 016401 (2009)

137. Wei-Tao Liu (刘伟涛), Ping-Xing Chen (陈平形), Cheng-Zu Li (李承祖), and Jian-Min Yuan (袁建民), Preparation and identification of two-photon positively-momentum-correlated entangled states, Phys. Rev. A 79, 061802 (R) (2009)

136. DongDong Kang, Yong Hou, Jiayu Dai, and Jianmin Yuan, Temperature Dependent Vibrational Spectra and Melting Behavior of Small Silicon Clusters based on ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063202 (2009)

135. Zhaoyan Zhou and Jianmin Yuan, Terahertz emission of atoms driven by ultrashort laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063413 (2009)

134. Fengtao Jin, Tianxuan Huang, Yongkun Ding, Zhijian Zheng, and Jianmin Yuan, Orbital relaxation effects in the calculation of aluminum K absorptions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26,055203(2009)

133. Yong Hou and Jianmin Yuan, Alternative ion-ion pair-potential model applied to molecular dynamics simulations of hot and dense plasmas: Al and Fe as examples, Phys. Rev. E 79, 016402 (2009)

132. Fengtao Jin,Jianmin Yuan et al, Radiative opacity of iron studied by using a detailed level accounting model, Astrophysical Journal 639, 597-609 (2009)

131. Dongwen Zhang, Zhihui Lv, Lin Sun, Zhengzheng Shao, and Jianmin Yuan, Tunable terahertz wave generation in GaSe crystals, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7277, 727710 (2009)

130. Congseng Meng, Z X Zhao, and J M Yuan, Radiative transition line shape in warm and dense argon plasma: a two-center model study, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2452 (2008).

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128. Zhou Zhao-Yan and Yuan Jian-Min, Fine splits of photon emission spectrum of hydrogen atom caused by transitions between different dressed states in intense high frequency laser field, Chinese Physics B 17, 4523 (2008)

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108. Zhaoyan Zhou and Jianmin Yuan, High order harmonic generation spectrum of an excited one-dimensional Coulomb atom in an intense laser field, Chinese Physics 16,675(2007)

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91. 曾交龙,吴建华,靳奉涛,赵刚,袁建民, Cross sections for electron-impact excitation of krypton from the levels of 4p(6), 4p(5)5s, and 4p(5)5p configurations,Phys. Rev. A 72,042707(2005)

90. 张栋文,靳奉涛,袁建民,Structural and electronic properties of C6 cluster, Eur. Phys. J. D 34, 59(2005)

89.曾交龙,袁建民等,Electron impact collision strengths and oscillator strengths for Ni-like Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Ta, and W ions, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data tables 90, 259-317(2005)

88. 靳奉涛,袁建民,Detailed diagnostics for a hot bromine plasma by the open M-shell opacity,Phys. Rev. E 72, 016404(2005)

87. 靳奉涛,袁建民,Open M-shell opacity of Bromine plasma in comparison of the detailed level accounting model with the average atom model, Chinese Phys. Letters 22, 2324 (2005)

86. 靳奉涛,袁建民等,L to M shell transitions and model comparisons for radiative opacities of sodium and fluoride plasma, JQSRT 95, 241 (2005)

85. 曾交龙,袁建民等,The photoionization of Fe7+ and Fe8+ in the 2p-3d resonance energy region, J. Phys. B 37 (12), 2529-2542( 2004 )

84. 王菲鹿,赵钢,袁建民,物质辐射不透明度对恒星结构与演化的影响及其计算,原子与分子物理学报21(增刊),325 (2004).[Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 21(supplement),325(2004).]

83. 张栋文,袁建民,线形缀加平面波方法对GaSe晶体电子结构的计算,原子与分子物理学报21(增刊),301 (2004).[Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 21(supplement),301(2004).]

82. 靳奉涛,苗劲松,袁建民,DTA模型计算高温氟化钠等离子体的辐射不透明度,原子与分子物理学报21(增刊),271 (2004).[Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 21(supplement),271(2004).]

81. 周兆妍,袁建民,用TDMA法计算谐振子在强激光脉冲下的高次谐波,原子与分子物理学报21(增刊),245 (2004).[Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 21(supplement),245(2004).]

80. Fengtao Jin, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, A detailed simulation for the transmission spectrum of hot aluminium plasma, Physics of Plasmas 11, 4318(2004).

79. Jiaolong Zeng, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Influence of detailed line treatment on the opacity of iron plasmas in the 2p-3d energy region, Phys. Rev. E 70 027401(2004).

78. 吴建华,袁建民,慢电子与氧原子之间相互作用-光分解和散射的研究,计算物理 21,299(2004).[Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 21,299(2004).]

77. 靳奉涛,曾交龙,袁建民, DTA模型计算高温Fe等离子体的辐射不透明度,计算物理 21,121 (2004).[Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 21,121(2004).]

76. 刘会平,袁建民, 高温稠密气态混合物压强的计算, 高压物理学报 18 (2004).[Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics 18,(2004).] (EI收录)

75. Feilu Wang, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Electronic structure and contribution to the radiative opacity of the metallic elements in hot and dense stellar material, Astrophysical Journal 600(2) part 1, 963 (2004).

74. Jiaolong Zeng, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, The 1s→2p resonance photoionization from the low-lying states of O+: energies, autoionization widths, branching ratios, and oscillator strengths, Euro. Phys. J. D 28, 163-170 (2004)

73. Jinsong Miao and Jianmin Yuan, Contribution of the E2 transition to the opacity of hot and dense plasmas of heavy elements by an average-atom approach, Phys. Rev. E 69, 017401 (2004)

72. Fengtao Jin, Jiaolong Zeng, and Jianmin Yuan, Radiative opacities and configuration interaction effects of hot iron plasma using a detailed term accounting model, Phys. Rev. E 68, 066401 (2003).

71. Feilu Wang, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Opacity of hot and dense stellar material: Flexible for changes in composition and abundance, Chinese Physics Letters 20, 2206 (2003)

70. Jianmin Yuan, Fritsche L, and Noffke J., The spectra and spin polarization of the valence band Auger emission from Cr (100) surface, Chinese Physics Letters 20, 1864 (2003)

69. Feilu Wang, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Density dependence of the detailed spectral line effects on the opacity of astrophysical abundant elements: oxygen, Chinese Physics Letters 20,1887 (2003)

68. Jianhua Wu and Jianmin Yuan, Near threshold photodetachment cross section of negative atomic oxygen ions, Chinese Physics 12, 1390 (2003)

67. Jiaolong Zeng, Gang Zhao, and Jianmin Yuan, Photoionization of the ground and first two metastable levels for ScIII: configuration interaction and relativistic effects, Phys. Rev. A 68, 022714 (2003)

66. Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, and Jianmin Yuan, The influence of core-valence electron correlations on the convergence of energy levels and oscillator strengths of ions with open 3d shell: Fe VIII as an example, J. Phys. B 36, 3457 (2003)

65. Jianhua Wu and Jianmin Yuan, low-lying resonance states of slow electron collisions with atomic oxygens, Chinese Phys. Letters 20, 841 (2003)

64. Jianmin Yuan, The resonance structures of electron interaction with Sr and Ba atoms: low-energy electron scattering and photodetachment of the negative ions, J. Phys. B 36, 2053 (2003)

63. Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, Gang Zhao and Jianmin Yuan, Temperature diagnostics for iron plasmas by means of transmission spectra obtained by accurate atomic data, Chinese Phys. Letters 20, 862 (2003).

62. 王贵春,袁建民,Cu低维体系的结构和电子性质,物理学报 52, 970-977 (2003).

61. 靳奉涛,曾交龙,袁建民,FeXXI离子电偶极、磁偶极及电四极跃迁振子强度的计算,计算物理 19, 419-422 (2002).

60. 靳奉涛,曾交龙,袁建民,DTA模型计算高温Mg等离子体的辐射不透明度,原子核物理评论(Nuclear Physics Review)19, 261(2002).

59. 曾交龙,靳奉涛,袁建民,稠密、冷铝等离子体的辐射不透明度研究,原子核物理评论(Nuclear Physics Review)19, 184 (2002).

58. Jianmin Yuan, Opacity of hot and dense plasmas of mixture by an average atom approach, Chinese Phys. Lett. 19, 1459 (2002).

57. Jianmin Yuan, Self-consistent average atom scheme for electronic structure of hot and dense plasmas of mixture, Phys. Rev. E 66, 047401 (2002).

56. Jiaolong Zeng and Jianmin Yuan, Photoionization of Be-like Neon (Ne VII) from the low-lying states:energies, widths, branching ratios and oscillator strengths of the 1s-2p resonances, Phys. Rev. A 66, 022715(2002).

55. Jiaolong Zeng and Jianmin Yuan, Resonance energies, oscillator strengths and autoionization widths of the 1s-2p excitations from O IV low-lying states, J. Phys. B 35, 3041 (2002).

54. Jiaolong Zeng and Jianmin Yuan, Detailed-term-accounting approximation calculations of the radiative opacity of Al plasmas:A systematic study, Phys. Rev. E 66, 016401 (2002).

53. Jianmin Yuan, Core-hole screening effects on the initial state of Auger emission across the transition metal series, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 122, 275-284 (2002).

52. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Detailed-term-accounting approximation calculations of the radiative opacity of laser-produced Al plasmas, Phys. Rev. E 64, 066412 (2001).

51 唐利强,易有根,袁建民等,中性碳原子基态关联效应的多体理论计算,原子与分子物理学报(CHINESE JOURNAL OF ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS)18 No.2, 221 (2001).

50. Jiaolong Zeng and Jianmin Yuan, 使用细致谱项模型计算激光产生的等离子体的辐射不透明度, 国防科技大学学报,22 (4), 32 (2001).

49. Jianmin Yuan, Multiplet-splitting of the quasi-atomiclike CVV Auger spectra of zinc metal, Chinese Physics Letter 18, 1415 (2001)

48. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Photoionization for the ground state of Al VII from threshold to the K-shell, Phys. Rev. A 64,042704 (2001)

47. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Autoionization resonance energies and widths of K-shell transitions from the low-lying states for OIII, J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 2823 (2001).

46. Jiaolong Zeng, Fengtao Jin, and Jianmin Yuan, Detailed spectral line effect on the radiative opacity of laser-produced Al plasma, Chinese Physics Letter 18, 924 (2001).

45. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, Zengxiu Zhao, and Qisheng Lu, Electron impact broadening of CIV 2s 2sl -2p 2P resonance line, 强激光与粒子束 13, 60 (2001). (in chinese).


44. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Detailed-term-accounting-approximation simulation of x-ray transmission through laser-produced Al plasmas, Phys. Rev. E. 62, 7251 (2000).

43. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, Zengxiu Zhao, and Qisheng Lu, Calculation of photoionization cross section for CII, 强激光与粒子束 12,689 (2000). (in chinese).

42. Jiaolong Zeng, Jianmin Yuan, and Qisheng Lu, Photodetachments of the metastable nsnp2 4Pstates of Be-, Mg-, and Ca- ions, Phys. Rev. A 62, 022713 (2000).

41. J. Zeng, J. Yuan, Z. Zhao, and Q. Lu, Energy levels and optical oscillator strengths of inner-shell excited states and photoionizations of the ground and first excited states of CIV ion, Euro. Phys. J. D 11, 167 (2000).

40. Jianmin Yuan, Core-valence electron correlation effects in photodetachment of Ca- ions, Phys. Rev. A 61, 012704(2000).

39. Zengxiu Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, and Yongsheng Sun, Electron interaction with lithium atoms and electron impact broadening of the lithium resonance line, Chinese Phys. Lett, 16, 885 (1999).

38. Jianmin Yuan, L. Fritsche, and J. Noffke, Origin of Band-like and Atomic-like Features of the Valence Band Auger Emission from Transition Metals, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 15, 375(1999).

37. Jianmin Yuan, Slow electron collision with Sr atoms, 原子与分子物理学报15 (supplement),123(1998). (in chinese)

36. Jianmin Yuan and C. D. Lin, Weakly-bound triatomic He2Li and He2Na molecules, J. Phys. B 31, L637(1998).

35. Jianmin Yuan and C. D. Lin, Effect of core-valence electron correlation in low-energy electron scattering with Ca atoms, Phys. Rev. A 58, 2824(1998).

34. Jianmin Yuan, B. D. Esry, Toru Morishita, and C. D. Lin, Stable bound state of e++Li and e++Na, Phys. Rev. A 58, R4(1998).

33. L. Fritsche and Jianmin Yuan, Alternative approach to the optimized effective potential method, Phys. Rev. A 57, 3425(1998).

32. Zhengxiu Zhao, Jianmin Yuan, and Zhijie Zhang, Impact excitation cross section of electrons by neutral lithium atoms at low energies, 原子与分子物理学报14, 497 (1997) (in chinese).

31. Jianmin Yuan, L. Fritsche, and J. Noffke, Direct calculation of valence-band Auger emission: spin polarization of Auger electrons from a potassium (110)-surface, Phys. Rev. B 56, 9942(1997).

30. Jianmin Yuan and L. Fritsche, Electron scattering by Ca atoms and photodetachment of Ca$^-$ ions: An R-matrix study, Phys. Rev. A 55, 1020 (1997).


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28. Jianmin Yuan, Direct and indirect relativisitc effects in low-energy spin-dependent electron collisions with heavy rare-gas atoms, Z. Phys. D 35, 3 (1995).

27. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Electron scattering with H2O and PH3 molecules, Z. Phys. D 28, 207 (1993).

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24. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Spin polarization of electrons elastically scattered from Barium atoms, Phys. Lett. A 168, 291 (1992).

23. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Spin polarization of elastically scattered electrons from Hg atom, Chinese Phys. Lett. 9, 459 (1992).

22. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Theoretical calculation of slow electron scattering by atomic oxygen, 原子与分子物理学报 9, 2275 (1992). in chinese

21. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Low-energy electron scattering with H2O and NH3 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 45, 4565 (1992).

20. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Elastic cross sections of electron scattering with Zn and Cd atoms below 4 eV, Phys. Rev. A 45,535 (1992).

19. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Relativistic effects and spin polarization on the low-energy shape resonances of electron scattering with Mg, Zn and Cd atoms, Phys. Lett. A 160, 81 (1991).

18. Hongbo Hu, Fengguo Sun, and Jianmin Yuan, Calculation of thermal expansion coefficients of KCl and KBr crystals, 国防科技大学学报, 13(1), 23 (1991). in chinese

17. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Application of quasirelativistic approach to low-energy electron-atom scattering: Xe, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 24, 275 (1991).


16. Jian Peng, Yijun Zhao, Zhengwen Zhang, and Jianmin Yuan, Calculation for the thermal stress damage in the thin plate of Al irradiated by CW laser beam, 高压物理学报, 4, 130 (1990). In chinese

15. Fengguo Sun and Jianmin Yuan, A practical recursion method to calculate the thermal expansion coefficient, 国防科技大学学报, 12(1), 88 (1990). in chinese

14. Zhijie Zhang and Jianmin Yuan, Application of correlation-polarization potential to the low-energy electron scattering with atoms and molecules, 原子与分子物理学报 7, 1664 (1990).(The internation seminar on atomic and molecular physics --- The third Japan-China Joint seminar).

13. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Alternative static-exchange formalism: Low-energy electron scattering with heavy alkaline-earth atoms, Phys. Rev. A 42, 5363 (1990).

12. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Elastic scattering of low-energy electrons with Sr atoms, Phys. Rev. A 41, 4732 (1990).

11. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, The low-lying shape resonances in low-energy electron scattering with Be, Mg and Ca atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 22, 2751 (1989).

10. Jianmin Yuan, Low-energy scattering of electrons from SiH4 molecules, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 22, 2589 (1989).

9. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Low-energy electron scattering from Kr and Xe atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 22, 2581 (1989).

8. Jianmin Yuan, Yijun Zhao, and Zhijie Zhang, Physical mechanics calculations of the elastic constants of alkali halide crystals, Acta Mechanica Sinica 5, 83(1989). (EI收录)

7. Jianmin Yuan and Zhijie Zhang, Local exchange potential for low-energy electron scattering (I): He, Ne and Ar atoms, 国防科技大学学报, 11(2), 84 (1989). in chinese

6. Jianmin Yuan, Low-energy electron scattering from He, Ne and Ar atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 21, 3753 (1988).

5.Jianmin Yuan, Elastic scattering of low-energy electrons from methane, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 21, 3113(1988).

4.Jianmin Yuan, On the elastic cross sections of low-energy e-CH4 and e-SiH4 scattering in a spherical model potential, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 21, 2737(1988).

3.Jianmin Yuan, Calculations of electron collision cross sections of He and Ar atoms by using Roothaan-Hartree-Fock atomic wave functions, 国防科技大学学报, 10(3), 52 (1988). In chinese

2. Jianmin Yuan, An alternative scheme for the self-interaction correction, 国防科技大学学报, 10(1), 87 (1988). in chinese

1. Yuha Song and Jianmin Yuan, An alternative method for derivation of the statistical averaged exchange potential, 国防科技大学学报., 9(3), 41 (1987). in chinese